Wednesday, November 27, 2019


Was supposed to be a stability update, but grown to a large release. Do you have the best essential plugins installed? See more information in the full blogpost. Clear Filters button with filters in a form; Bugfix: More responsiveness — we replaced all jQuery UI dialogs and datepicker with responsive popups which would make both mobile and desktop experience of working with the tables nicer. This version includes these new awesome features: Added option to choose whether you want to keep the tables after deleting the plugin from the Plugins page by default the tables will be saved in database after deleting the plugin.

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Some hardcoded strings for attachment column now can be translated. Treemap chart and Treemap level chart; Feature: Default value dropdown problem solved.

wpDataTables Beta Released! - wpDataTables - Tables and Charts WordPress Plugin

Fixes for conditional formatting for values above 1. Responsive Charts — this was a highly requested feature: Multiple y axes and different series types on the same chart, developed for HighCharts types: By turning this on this checkbox you will show all possible values in edit modal from separate table that wpdtatables connected with foreign keys when option Users can see and edit own data is enabled.

Skip thousands separator for integer columns. Add a few rows. Alternatively, users will always have access only to their own records.

Setting for right-aligning columns with numerical data. Make sure to re-acivate your purchase once again to make it work.

wpDataTables 1.6 Beta Features Overview Video

Custom JS setting added: A minor update with a couple of features, bug fixes, and stability improvements. Preview bug fixed — There was a bug in back-end preview, it was not working with responsive mode enabled. Column filter selectbox when qpdatatables in header did not show. When you upload a new image, a thumb with a link to full picture will be inserted automatically.

wpDataTables Beta Features Overview Video - wpDataTables - Tables and Charts WordPress Plugin

By clicking "subscribe" you consent that the information you provide via this form will be securely processed and stored in compliance with EU privacy laws GDPR. This version includes these new awesome features: Do you have the best. New date formats, Feature: This site is running WP 4.

New Multi-selectbox filter type; Feature: Problem with separate connection and selectbox in Powerful filters addon resolved; BugFix: More customization options — We added some customization options — e. Search in selectbox and multiselectbox filters; Feature: Redesign of wpfatatables panel — Admin panel now is also nicer and has animated popups.

A new table setting: Sorting dates in Mozilla Firefox for non-server-side tables; Bugfix: Auto-detection of the delimiters for the CSV files; Feature: Better interaction with user. Skins — Now tables have two wpdaatatables options: Fix for uploading images in editable tables. See the blogpost for more details. JSViews is now used in plugin backend for templating.

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