Sunday, November 24, 2019


Server Fault works best with JavaScript enabled. It must have been on the box when I installed the Recommended patch list This seems to be the crux of the problem or is it that patch has been superceded? When we unzip the CPU on another Solaris build to a network storage area, we can execute without issue on the original machine. Email Required, but never shown. Once you've done that the pkgadd command should work. sunwcsr

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How do we handle problem users? Sjnwcsr may come back and say "But it worked fine on all the other systems. Hi all I'm currently trying to install OpenSSH on a number of servers and for the most part succeeding. If the patch install package or tar file is on the server, then you have a chance of being able to install it possibly.

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Otherwise, you MUST bring the system to single-user normally best to go all the way down and back up to single-user. When we unzip the CPU on another Solaris build to a network storage area, we can execute without issue on the original machine. Problem occurs sunwscr one Solaris build.


SUNWcsr" it compained with "error: Sunwcs it does not, then you can probably add it in multi-user mode while the system is quiet. Asked 9 years ago.

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Filesystems, Disks and Memory. View Public Profile for Brett. See patchadd 1M for instructions. Nail hit on head The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. I have a server SunFire V snwcsr went belly up. Sign up to join this community. Mark Wagner Mark Wagner I'm having a very difficult time. Anytime you have to add a patch, you must check that it does or does not change the kernel.

I'm getting a corrupt label: RTM - yep it would appear that you have it and I feel like my rear has been well and truly bitten.

unix - Accidentally removed SUNWcsr - Server Fault

When I try to run agen. Active 8 years, 1 month ago. How can I install those package back? Post as a guest Name. Improving the question-asking experience.

Email Required, but never shown.


If that doesn't work, then a rebuild or restore. It only takes a minute to sign up. Once you've done that the pkgadd command should work. Since you ask about system downtime, I would assume you did not add any of the patches in single-user mode?


Unicorn Meta Zoo 9: I'm trying to load red hat linux 7. Hi Gurus I am not able to find the patching procedure for solaris 10 sol10 u11 to latest patchset with sun sunwcse having failover zones so that same I should follow.

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