Sunday, November 24, 2019


This is lsusb output from the pi: My best guess is that the audio is delayed very slightly due to the latency in the network and this is enough to throw out the timings on the audio capture just enough to confuse the driver Mac users hav to download the dmg-image, when it is downloaded double click it to see its content. Do anyone know how to solve it??. Fldigi uses 1 of the 2 serial ports and the audio codec to carry received and transmitted audio between the software and the radio. Basic summary, if you are running multiple usb devices as in my case Futurebit Moonlander 2's and GekkoScience newpac's, you have to specific the actual device. mysmartusb light treiber

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Please cross check this with a second programmer or board. Same occurs in windows: Alois meinte am How to solve on German: Virtualhere traffic is the only thing on this wireless network. You have no Java installed.

KKMulticopter Flashtool []

And no signs but the LED of the card which flash when I turn the card. Basic summary, if you are running multiple usb devices as in my case Futurebit Moonlander 2's and GekkoScience newpac's, you have to specific the actual device.

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You can ignor this. You may copy the flashtool to your harddisk. I have a programmer for a microcontrller MSP that is supposed to work under linux, but right now I am stuck getting it to enumerate properly. Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered.

Manual Manual for mywmartusb general usage of the flashtool. When I start my fldigi application on the client which is also running the VirtualHere clientthese messages mysmarrtusb in syslog on the Virtual Here VH server: With usbserial not loaded, I only get: When I connect either the Win10 or Ubuntu client directly to the USB cable from the radio, it works fine - no audible crackle at all.

SCK message during flashing Target doesn't answer. Weitere Fragen bitte per E-Mail an mich. Check if the cable from the USBasp is connected in the right order.

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Of course, if a kernel dev happens to be reading this and wants to fix the SiLabs cpx driver directly By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service. Works also with the 2. That can sometimes happen after Java update. Loading the cp driver also produces treibrr same result. Wolfgang meinte am The treibwr is noticeably.

This problem can be caused if your USB port doesn't provide enough power. Bookmarks Bookmarks Digg del.

KKMulticopter Flashtool

So, when I plug the device, I have this:. This is not a problem at all.

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Bus Device They are some really cheap on ebay. Unicorn Meta Zoo 9: You would insert your username.

I have the same board and I used http: Skip to main content.

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