Saturday, November 23, 2019


Since i think JJ had the most developement in general in that route. Kiryuu used to be a lawyer cuz he wanted to go after the mafia dudes who killed his bff. Since I never play games and even less Hentai games , this is a very interesting address to let my imagination go on forbidden tracks. And imao, I think he made for a much better seme than uke. DH disbands and Azunyan moves back in with JJ. DH then kills him. In the end, Ruka brings JJ to Sicily with him where he makes up with his pops and all is good. omerta chinmoku no okite cg

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omerta chinmoku no okite cg

I'm using a translator, sorry if spelled wrong Hi, I'm Spanish, and I'm playing this game but I understand it's bottom and top. Both lonely, they decide to use each other and have sexy time together. Azunyan returns to DH and DH tries to kill him.

omerta chinmoku no okite cg

Olivia Gabby I tried it once, but then Since i think JJ had the most developement in general in that route. Thank you for the review.

BL Game > Omerta ~ Chinmoku no Okite ~ walkthrough - Flaming Blue — LiveJournal

For a while I even regretted not saving him as doing Azusa after that felt…lacking? LOL i totally agree abt Liu being too far gone for any sane romances, he seemed pretty effed in the head. Down, bottom, down, down, middle, up, middle, up, middle, top, top, bottom, top, down, top, middle, bottom.

Down, bottom, down, down, middle, down, down, middle, bottom, bottom, middle, bottom, bottom. You are commenting using your Facebook account. In the end, the two drink to their future and decide to head to Italy or summin to start another Epilogue Bar all over again.

Original CG : Omerta Chinmoku

Master gets shot during the barfight and though JJ wants to save him, he has a heroic BSOD and ends up s trangling Master and killing him instead.

JJ finds out the next day dat Azusa has joined DH to become stronger. Notify me of new comments via email.

Anonymous August 2, at 4: Anyway, that led him to KC where Ruka saved his life, saw his pew pew pro skills so wanted Kiryuu to join him. BloggerRyu February 6, at I played Clock Zero and love it soooooo much, but can't seem to find something like this in bl games.

omerta chinmoku no okite cg Pictures, Images & Photos | Photobucket

Could you tell me what I have to do on the part of bottom and top? Luca and Liu endings unlock when you play all of Ugagin and Kiryuu's endings or with chinmoky of each other? There, Ruka is waiting and socks Kiryuu in the face for runnin around doin his own lil missions without his permission and then explains that the case 5 years ago was all the work of DH and since KC is now entering a gang war with DH, they want JJ to join em.

The company doing stuff like the Ometter events just adds to the charm, for how cute and cracky they are.

Omerta~ Chinmoku no Okite~ and Hadaka Shitsuji

K May 12, at 2: They swapped out just before the gangfight broke out but woteva, JJ rushes to find Azunyan and runs off with him. Email required Address never made public. In the end, Ruka brings JJ to Sicily with him where he makes up with his pops and all is good. Besides, Liu was like the 2nd route I did while playing lol. Total badassery was a given as shown: It'll be convenient for you in the future if you want to make a different choice later on.

Thanks for this walkthough!

Hi, very nice okiite. Down, bottom, down, down, middle, down, down, middle, bottom, bottom, middle, bottom, top, middle. Down, bottom, down, down, middle, no choice is chosen, bottom, middle, middle, top, the second choice, middle, middle. Simply called Japanese Junior for the whole game? To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here:

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